ingo is correct - you need to "fool" the s-550 into thinking it is NOT a high
density disk by covering the hole. then you'll be fine.
p.s. - i am selling my full blown s-550 rig: s-550 w/SCSI card, roland CD-ROM drive,
Syquest drive, a ton of sample disks including three cd-roms of samples. includes roland
mouse but no monitor. best offer. i'll be taking it to Rogue here in nyc soon so act
now. ;-) i'd love to see someone who's really a fan to get it.
On Mar 8, 2011, at 11:04 AM, Ingo Debus wrote:
Am 08.03.2011 um 14:28 schrieb Robbie Dude:
I JUST got a used S 550. Course it
only came with 1 disk (utility) I found your site and have downloaded the OS
(tried a few of them) and I just can't seem to get it to load.
The OS can be included on any disk containing samples. You should be able to boot the
S-550 from the utility disk as well. Of course you can't boot from disks with the
S-50 or S-330 OS on them.
I am using a 1.44 drive to make the
Maybe this is the problem? Are you using 1.44MB or 720kB floppies?
I remember that 1.44MB worked well with my S-330 (formatted to 720kB of course), but when
creating them on a computer with a 1.44MB drive from a disk image I had to cover the small
hole in the floppy (not the write protect hole, the other one) with tape.
I also remember that often the S-330 booted from some floppies only after several
attempts. If you happen to get the S-550 booted, get a bunch of floppies and format
them/write the OS to them on the sampler itself. Maybe it's easier with floppies
formatted on the same drive.
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