Colin Shapiro <musos(a)> schrieb am 10.10.05 12:26:56:
I look at this whole issue like this: If we as buyers don't pay for
original copies, but copy and re-sell sample discs and software, then
the developers won't cover their costs and they won't create more
products. In this way, we collectively shoot ourselves in the foot.
From another angle: I create music and I rely on royalties for a
large portion of my income. If users pirate my music, or don't log it
properly, I don't get any money. I don't want my creative products to
be abused - so I will certainly not do the same to other people.
as I wrote, there is no open question when it comes to Copyrights.
But would you prevent someone who bought a CD of your
music to sell it to a friend or on Ebay when she thinks she is not
going to hear it again.
Does trading of used CDs have a negative or even positive
impact on your income ?
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