I take it that it's a 32 megabyte card? That may
be a bit on the small
side. The Roland S-760 OS has a fairly fixed structure when formatting
a hard disk and I assume that anything on the SCSI bus rather than the
floppy drive will be treated as a hard disk. This structure needs space
for the directory/table of contents. I don't recall how much space it
needs, but it might mean that the sampler will refuse to format anything
it considers too small.
I'd be very surprised if it needed anywhere even close to 32 meg for file
and structure. The sampler is from an era where 100meg was a ton of
storage, and 40meg hard drives were commonplace.
The s770 only had a 20 meg drive, and uses interchangeable files with the
|_e_/ Dennis Barton <db(a)skylab2000.com>
) skylab2000
~\/\ Brainforest Productions, Los Angeles