.... would you prevent someone who bought a CD of your
music to sell it to a friend or on Ebay when she thinks she is not
going to hear it again.
Does trading of used CDs have a negative or even positive
impact on your income ?
Franz: this is a difficult and complex debate.
If someone bought an *audio* CD of mine, and *did not make a copy
first*, then certainly they could re-sell it. The CD is the product
in itself. (This is the simplest and most common example, but not
really what we are talking about when discussing sample CD's etc.)
If however I produce a CD of Mood Music or Production/Library Music.
That CD is not sold, but given to production facilities for free. If
someone uses a track off that CD, they are required by law to log the
usage and submit a cue sheet to their local Mechanical and
Performance Copyright societies. This music is never actually sold -
it is licensed. If the user fails to log usage, I lose money. The CD
in itself has no value at all.
Let's say now, I made a sample library CD, and Joe Bloggs bought it.
I *licence* him to use the samples in any of his productions. The CD
has been bought but the samples themselves are *never sold*. Joe uses
the sounds for a while, then decides he wants to get rid of the CD.
He sells it to Jill Spriggs, who now uses the samples (which she does
not own) for her productions. She never obtained a legitimate licence
from me, so her use of my samples is an infringement of copyright and
So....it's not just as simple as selling stuff on Ebay. Each scenario
has its own complications.....
Regards - Colin